Profile of Tokologo Local Municipality

Tokologo Local Municipality is located within Lejweleputswa District Municipality, specifically in the western Free State. The area covers 9 326 square kilometres and consists of three former Transitional Local Councils namely Boshof, Dealesville and Hertzogville, as well as a portion of a former Transitional Rural Council (Moddervaal), which consists of approximately 1 480 farms. Boshof (the capital town) is situated in the centre; Dealesville is further east, and Hertzogville is situated in the north of the municipal area. Read More...


Interesting Facts

The Mayor

Ms. Kegomoditswe Gladys Mokhobo is the mayor of the Tokologo Local Municipality. Born at the Dikgalaope Old Location in Dealesville, she attended local schools in Boshof and Dealesville as well as the Albert Moroka Secondary Read more...