Environmental Profile
The municipality covers an area of 932585.8ha of which 84 % has remained as natural habitat. There are no protected areas or RAMSAR sites in the municipality.There are three biomes in the municipality, namely Grassland (43.68%), Nama-Karoo (5.11%) and Savanna (51.21%). Eight vegetation types, covering 932585ha are found in the Tokologo Municipality. There is one endangered ecosystem in the Tokologo Municipality, namely Vaal-Vet Sandy Grassland covering 70595ha (7.6%) of the municipality.
The Freshwater Ecosystems in the municipality are characterized by three water management areas, namely Lower Vaal, Middle Vaal and Upper Orange. Three rivers run through the municipality, namely the Kaalspruit-, Modder and Vaal Rivers. Wetlands cover approximately 39961.6ha of the municipal area.